
Archive for March, 2009

Sorry all for the fact that I have been away for awhile but life got busy.  Work has been crazy, in fact I have been traveling a bit.  This is the first time I have traveled since we began DD. I was interested to see how this was going to go and how I  was going to do when I didn’t have his physical presence there to remind me of my role.  It was great!  I was able to see that this has truly became a heart change for me and not one just done out of fear of a spanking.  It is such a great feeling to know that even though I was not able to see him every day I still behaved in a way that would have been pleasing to him had he been there.

We are going to do a maintence spanking tonight, just as a physical reminder of place as his wife ad of my submission to him.  When we were discussing a spanking tonight I realized how much I love him and I love our new life.

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I know I posted about the earlier in my post title Blistered Bottom but I am still struggling with it.  Last night I made and off handed comment to J about not being a good mom and boy did that set him off.  So last night I got paddled for it again.  1. Because he says it’s a lie and in out house lying is a HUGE  No-No and then also because it shows that I don’t trust him to make good decision because he chose to marry me and why would he coose to marry someone who is not a good mother.  Then after he was done lecturing and spanking he kept making me repeat that I am a good mother.

The last few weeks things have been pretty hectic around our house and things have gotten a little out of balance so he told me last night we are going to re establish the balance in our house so I cannot disagree with him for the next week about anything no matter what he says I am to tell him Yes Sir.  This will be hard not that I argue with him a lot but I am use to being able to express my thoughts , feelings and opnions on any given matter.  Yet, at the same time I needed him to re-establish the power exchange in our house and to kind of reign me in as I had notice my tounge was getting sharper and was trying to pull myself in but just couldn’t seem to get a hold on it.

This morning I feel so at peace and secure.  I still am amazed at how this life really does workand how when you do things God’s way with the man running the house with love and care for those he is responsible for it works and things are peaceful and happy.  I need my husband to be strong enough to whip my bottom good.

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Why is that some men just assume that because you are in a DD relationship that it automatically makes you under the authority of any and all men that you come into contact with.  When you refuses to submit to them they start creating issues and then your husband an email.  LOL!!!! Like he would spank me because I refused to obey another man, like he would just believe you without asking me and hearing what I have to say and most importantly like I haven’t been telling him what was going on from the very beginning.

These men are nuts and are using loving discipline as a excuse to run over women in general.  This is wrong and some of the worst kind of abuse women have to deal with.  Just because I choose to submit to my husband does NOT make me submissive to every man on-line who I come into contact with.  I am strong, powerful, intelligent woman and the last thing I need is some uneducated man that wants to call himself a top or a dominant trying to tell me how to run my life.  Then to go off on my and tell me that you refuse to submit to my authority because I don’t want to listen to you.  You are crazy.  I have never have asked you to submit to my authority and if you are soooo weak that a woman standing up to you and saying NO I have a husband and e is the only man I have to answer to sends you into a temper tantrum then you are no real man!!!

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