
Archive for October, 2009

So my Birthday was this weekend and boys did my husband do a good job of taking care of me. I think that sometimes people look at those of us in a DD relationship and believe that it’s always about the power exchange and him being in charge and me being submissive but there is so much more to it then that. This weekend he made a huge effort to show me how much I mean to him and how important I am in his life. He started by taking me out Saturday to a special dinner just the two of us, then Sunday he woke me up with gifts from the boys and him. After church there was a surprise party for me I had so much fun and really enjoyed all the special attention from him. I don’t know why the idea is out there that because we spank and practice a Male led household that he can’t be gentle, that is so not true, in fact most of the men I know are in fact more gentle and much more aware of the way they treat their wives. They know that their every word is listen to and that we give their every desire our highest preference and try our utmost to please them. We don’t do this out of fear but out of our desire to please them.

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As most of you who regularly read my stuff then you know I came to this lifestyle out of a belief that it is Biblical.  So I am posting something that I wrote in regards to a verse in the Bible.

In Hebrews 13:17 it says “Obey  them that have the rule  over you , and submit yourselves : for they  watch  for  your  souls , as  they that must give  account , that  they may do  it  with  joy , and  not  with grief  : for  that  [is] unprofitable  for you” I want to break these words down for you as they were broken down for me..

The word obey that is used in this passage is the word peithō it’s a verb implying continuous action and it means
to listen to,
yield to,
comply with
to trust,

The word rule comes from hēgeomai it is also a verb meaning to lead

a) to go before

b) to be a leader

1) to rule, command

2) to have authority over

The word hēgeomai is actuall dirved from the root word agō

1) to lead, take with one

a) to lead by laying hold of, and this way to bring to the point of destination: of an animal

b) to lead by accompanying to (into) a place

c) to lead with one’s self, attach to one’s self as an attendant

d) to conduct, bring

e) to lead away, to a court of justice, magistrate, etc.

2) to lead,

a) to lead, guide, direct

b) to lead through, conduct to: to something

c) to move, impel: of forces and influences on the mind

The word rule comes from agrypneō it is again a verb meaning

to be sleepless,

keep awake,


2) to be circumspect, attentive, ready

The word give comes from apodidōmi this one is also a verb and means

1) to deliver, to give away for one’s own profit what is one’s own, to sell

2) to pay off, discharge what is due

a) a debt, wages, tribute, taxes, produce due

b) things promised under oath

c) conjugal duty

d) to render account

3) to give back, restore

4) to requite, recompense in a good or a bad sense

The next word account comes from  logos which is a masculine noun and the definition is:

e) anything reported in speech; a narration, narrative

f) matter under discussion, thing spoken of, affair, a matter in dispute, case, suit at law

g) the thing spoken of or talked about; event, deed

I think this verse very clearly is talking about those that have been given leadership over anpther person which definetly in my mind applies to a husband and wife relationship.  He will have to give an account for my soul and the way he watched over it or lead it.  Now does this absolve me of any or all responsiblity?  No, I don’t believe it does.  I will be required to give an account for the way that I followed him, the way I submitted.  The marriage instution was set up by God and is a sort of umbrella for the woman, if I choose not to obey, submit to and follow my huband then I am taking myself out from underneath the umbrella of protection and then an choosing to answer directly to God but if I choose to submit to him and follow him then he will be the one ultimately responsible for an acount.

I believe the verse also speaks of parents-child relationship, a pastor-congregation relationship pr any relationship where some one is placed in leadership over another person.

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