
Archive for November, 2008

I HATE People!!!!

Okay let me qualify that.  Not all people but those that cause problems just for the sake of causing them.  I hae this woman who I have never met going around saying things about me.  Now I know I am a grown woman and so what should it matter.  My thought is though why should I constantly have to defend myself from crazy people!!!

AND why is that the women who need their butts whipped the worse never get it????

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So between the elections and a real job life has been very busy the last couple of weeks in fact J has had to remind me to breathe on some days.  So though my candidate lost the National election all of my local people won.  In fact we beat a well loved incumbent so I feel pretty good today.

As I have gone Through the last few weeks and been quite busy J has been great firm but understanding, strict but gentle.  He gave me some leeway because he understood everything that was going on yet I was still expected to behave myself.  I have been wondering if this is normal I mean are most wives given such understand yet at the same time firm boundaries.  I’m not sure if I’m making very much sense all I know is that looking back over this election cycle it has never been more clear to me that he loves me and cares for me no matter what.

He is not challenged or bothered by the fact that I am what some would consider a “powerful” woman or that I have a lot of responsibilities.  He is secure enough in his manhood to not place himself in competition with me.  When I read these anti-DD blogs and those that think it is wrong I wonder how much they really understand about my life.  In no way am I a doormat or a quiet little mouse sitting in the corner.  I am a strong,vivacious woman who believes in God’s plan for marriage.

I just don’t understand why some think that because I believe he is the head of our marriage I must be weak willed.  I think the exact opposite is true.  To be held accountable for my behavior, to know that I will answer for what I do and how I do it and to be happy in turning my will over to another takes more courage and strength then all the women who rail against men.

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